Why this blog?

Why this blog?
Because what is portrayed in the media and which transpires in the general public's mind is that Africans flee their home countries for the USA, Europe, Asia or even within Africa, only to live in hardship abroad. The reasons: lack of or low education, poor language abilities for those in countries where the language is different than their original ones, legal status in limbo... Therefore they are mostly expected to stay confined into low level and odd jobs. Though these jobs provide for those doing them, the reality is very different for many others who overcome the obstacles to reach for higher grounds. This is where young Africans would learn about others' achievements and be inspired to do the same. Those looking for talented and ambitious Africans will also find a rich database to dig in. This site is interactive and all Africans are invited to honestly share their stories to show the side that some media never cover.

Sunday, April 15, 2012

Franck Sahou: Personal Banker, Wells Fargo, Philadelphia, USA

Franck Mossou Sahou from Ivory Coast came to the States 15 years ago as a student, after several years studying and working as valet parking and cab driver to support his family and studies, he graduated from Rowan University in New Jersey with a Bachelor in Economy. He started his career at PNC Bank as a part time cashier and is five years later a seasonned Licensed Personal Banker with Wells Fargo, the forth largest bank in the US. Franck is a Notary Public with series 63 and 6, and is working toward series 7. He is a married proud father of three beautiful kids and lives in Philadelphia, PA.

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